EESystem has developed its very own proprietary and highly effective process that they utilize for creating and permanently embedding the “hyper-charge;” dense intentional, superconductive scalar effects into medallions, bracelets, and other products. The EESystem creates a focused and more intense field that provides an exponentially more powerful field than simply placing substances into an EESystem alone allowing them to target and charge their products to carry and deliver the extraordinarily healthy, self-regenerating scalar field effects that have been lab proven to strengthen and enhance coherent DNA and cellular integrity and function. Embedding the technology into their wearables allows people to carry around a small amount of the bioactive fields found in their technology. We can link you to scientific white papers on how this technology works but I imagine you want a basic understanding.
The wearables are providing a small bioactive field of what the EES technology promotes. Bioactive means your biomolecular field is interacting and feeding off of the product. Your field is then optimized, energized, and harmonized by the scalar-enhanced product.
The Energy Enhancement System combines body, mind, spirit, and science to help you achieve healing and reach higher states of health, consciousness, and self-actualization. This system generates multiple bio-active life-enhancing energy fields, including scalar waves and a scalar vortex that when combined with light as biophotons can interface with the body’s DNA matrix and promote healing.
The potential benefits of scalar of which include and are not limited to: